Men With Wellspring has spent 4+ years diving into society’s norms that contribute to gender-based discrimination, power and control, and abuse…and to be advocates for a more just and equitable society. Their goal now is to bring that conversation to others.
We’ve got 2 ways we a can easily do that-
1. Our card project is a way to start conversations about these topics without necessarily getting too deep, and
2. Sharing topics of social interest to get people talking about these issues in the moment generates more thought about equality, positive masculinity, and role modeling and leadership just under the guides of what’s happening and is in the media. We just need your help to get our message beyond our MWW conference room and our new conversation card series is the strategy the group is working on now.
So, here’s the plan. On Monday October 28th, we are going to have a group fun activity to just come and use the cards together .This won’t be a regular meeting ; it’ll just be a fun activity night from 530-730pm (so you’ll be home in plenty of time to see the Giants and Steelers play at 8:15) at 2816 US-9, Malta NY. We’ll have pizza, alcohol-free beverages, beer, and Sholom will bring a bit of whiskey (or maybe whisky) to add spirited to the night. Please invite anyone who’d be willing to spend a few hours in entertaining and engaging conversations, beta testing our project (and we decided having input from men and women would be good as we develop this conversation series so please invite your folks of all genders)—NO ADVANCE HOMEWORK REQUIRED- just come and eat, drink, chat and give us feedback.
If you plan to attend, please let Rev Joe or Wellspring know so that they know how much food to get.