Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs, New York (UUCSS) Governance Booklet and Bylaws

A vital resource for all members and friends, UU Saratoga’s Governance Booklet contains our bylaws, policies, and job descriptions. As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we are committed to upholding the values of democracy, inclusivity, and transparency in all aspects of our governance.

The bylaws encapsulate the collective wisdom and intentions of our congregation, providing a framework for decision-making, leadership, and community engagement. They ensure that every voice is heard and respected, and that our actions align with our shared mission and principles.

This booklet serves not only as a reference guide but also as a reminder of the responsibilities we all share in maintaining a healthy, vibrant, and just community. Whether you are new to UU Saratoga or a long-standing member, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with these bylaws and participate actively in our congregational life. Together, we can continue to foster a welcoming environment where love, justice, and spiritual growth flourish.