Pastoral Care extends the support of our minister in supporting the variety of needs of members of the congregation and in caring for our congregation family.

Contact our Minister

UU Saratoga members and friends may contact Rev. Joseph Cleveland at  at to discuss their concerns.

Rev. Joe may also be contacted through the UU Saratoga office:

Phone: 518-584-1555



Care Team

The Caring Team provides support to UU Saratoga members and friends who may benefit from cards, visitors, and other types of support during a challenging time.

The Care Team is a ministry of UU Saratoga and operates under the guidance of the minister. The caring outreach takes two forms: 1) ongoing attention to and contact with members who can no longer get to church activities on a regular basis, to help them stay connected to their beloved community, and 2) more focused response to the needs and requests of members and their families during times of loss, illness, crisis, major change, or disability.

While Care Team members do their best to respond to the needs that arise during these times, we also respect and work with the members’ natural networks of friendship and support, helping to mobilize those resources for caring that is sustainable and responsive.