Welcome Newcomers!
We’re glad you’ve found your way to this congregation and hope you will find a spiritual home here, exploring with us life’s deepest questions and what it means to be human.
Here’s a quick introduction to who we are.
You’ll learn more about Unitarian Universalism here.
Here’s what you can expect at our Sunday services.
This will tell you about our programs for children and youth.
Here are our offerings in adult learning.
We hope you will attend a few worship services, whether online or in-person, and explore more of the website to get to know us a bit more. We are eager to meet you and to become part of your journey!
In faith and with hope,
Rev. Joe Cleveland
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is welcome here?
If you are on a journey to figure out what you believe, you are welcome here. If you have more questions than answers, you are welcome here. If you want your life to demonstrate your faith, you are welcome here. If you want the world to be a more kind, compassionate, and just place, you are welcome here. If you want to learn how to dismantle racism and end oppression, you are welcome here. If you are a person who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, heterosexual, asexual, and/or questioning, you are welcome here. If you are a person of color, white, multiracial, Indigenous, or unsure of your ancestry, who wants to learn how to live more equitably and celebrate a diversity of human expression, you are welcome here.
What do you believe?
Ours is a non-creedal faith. We can tell a lot more about one another by how we live than what specifically we say we believe. And we value congruence between our beliefs and our actions. Our “Living Tradition” draws from six sources, including the wisdom of the world’s religions, philosophies, science, and direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder. At our best, we are open to one another’s discoveries of truth and meaning that increase Love’s presence in the world. Throughout the denomination, one can discover UUs who identify as Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, and blends and combinations and none of these.
How can you be a church if you don’t all believe the same thing?
We have shared values that prioritize affirming and promoting one another’s worth, care for the Earth, speaking out against harm, and the democratic process. We strive to practice compassion, equity, and justice in how we live in the world. And we engage in a responsible search for truth and meaning because none of us can know everything. We need one another on this journey and our beliefs are tested in community, that we might refine, reframe, or recycle them.
Becoming a Member
If you have been attending worship and/or religious education classes for a while now, you are invited to attend one of our Getting to Know UU sessions for a deeper dive into this faith and this congregation. Once you’ve attended that class, you will be invited to a Membership Class where you learn more about what being a member means in this congregation. As this is a personal decision, there is no pressure or rush in becoming a member. We just want you to know there is a process.