The award-winning film Four Winters will be screened at Skidmore College on January 27 from 6-8 pm, followed by a Q&A discussion with director Julia Mintz. The powerful and inspiring documentary tells the story of courageous Jewish fighters who battled unimaginable odds to fight back against Hitler’s war machine as it raged across Eastern Europe.
The program marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day is sponsored by various offices of Skidmore College, including the Office of Religious Spiritual Life, and is co-sponsored by Saratoga Jewish Community Arts, Temple Sinai and Congregation Shaara Tflle, with generous support from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York.
Four Winters features interviews with the last living partisans. By also using personal photographs, letters, journals, rare archival film footage, historic war records, and artifacts shared with the filmmakers from partisans’ personal collections, the documentarians weave together a multi-layered story that shatters the myth of Jewish passivity. The film illuminates the numerous ways in which Jews resisted the Nazis — and celebrates the soulful bravery, cleverness and leadership of the partisans.