Contact Lucy Manning at

Puppet Show and Singalong – Saturday, Jan. 18, 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
We are hosting this MLK Weekend event, courtesy of our own Marigold (aka
Julie Holmberg), Rev Joe, Dan Berggren, and members of the Division St.
School with music teacher Melissa Ferrie-Healy!
Come celebrate the values love and friendship that animated Dr. King’s life
with this puppet performance and singalong. Perfect for youngsters and their
caregivers; all are welcome!
For MLK Weekend join our Social Justice Team for movie night on January 19,
from 6pm to 7:30pm in our sanctuary. We will show the documentary A New and
Unsettling Force about the Poor People’s Campaign which has been over twenty years in
the making. Filmmaker Dara Kelly has worked with Rev. Liz Theoharis and Bishop
William J. Barber II throughout those years while the “Poor People’s Campaign: A
National Call for Moral Revival” evolved. From the first 40 Days of Action through
Moral Mondays to 2021, the film tracks the development of this “fusion movement.”
3. UU Common Read is here in March!
The 2024-25 UU Common Read is Authentic
Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families (Skinner House,
Kickoff event – Movie Night on Sunday,
Feb 2 – 6:30-8:30pm
Will & Harper is a 2024 American documentary film directed by Josh
Greenbaum and following Will Ferrell and Harper Steele as the duo made a 17-day road
trip across the United States, the latter having recently completed a gender transition.
114 min.
Discussion Series:
March 2, 9, 16, and 30. 6:30-8pm in sanctuary
Look for news soon how to get your book at a discount.
In Our Community:
Join us on Saturday, January 18, for the official Glens Falls Women’s March,
standing in solidarity with the People’s March for equality, justice, and progress!
Event Details:
10:00 a.m.: Gather on the park-facing steps of Crandall Public Library.
March Route: A short loop around the block, demonstrating unity and purpose.
Post-March Program: Inspiring speakers and live music to energize the
movement. Location to be announced.
For more information:
Help a refugee family arriving soon to our area! The Saratoga Area Welcome
Circle is a grassroots group formed to sponsor a refugee family through Welcome
Corps,, a program that matches private groups with refugees
waiting to be resettled in the United States. We have a young Afghan family of 3
assigned to us and will arrive any day! Our goal is to make the family self-sufficient in
3-4 months. You may a make a tax-deductible gift by sending a check to UUCSS and
mark that it is for the Saratoga Area Welcome Circle or volunteer your time in many
other ways. Needed is a 1- or 2-bedroom apartment to rent, ideally near a bus
line and a grocery store. Contact Lucy Manning at if you
can help!
Attend the many events offered by MLK Saratoga from Jan. 17-20.
Check the schedule for details: