Special Congregational Meeting Announcement and Information

What? A meeting to vote on proposed changes in our governance structure and means of
electing the Board of Trustees.

When? Sunday, September 15, 2024, immediately after the Sunday service.

Why? With growing dissatisfaction with our current leadership format [President, Past-
President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer, the last 3 directly elected by the
Congregation], and the continued difficulty finding candidates willing to take on these positions,
a three-person advisory group [Jenn Pratt, John Fisher, Richard Wilkinson] was appointed by the
Board to suggest a solution.

Solution? The advisory group proposed, and the Board accepted, that our new governance
structure will have the following features:
 we revert to our original officers’ positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary and
Treasurer, with three at-large Trustees completing the 7-member Board;
 Trustees will normally serve 1 to 3 year terms;
 The Treasurer will be nominated by the Leadership Committee
 All other members of the Board of Trustees will be nominated by the Leadership
Committee as “Trustees,” and these Trustees will operate as a team, and
 As soon as possible after the Annual Meeting, the Board of Trustees will meet and elect
the officers – President, Vice-President and Secretary.
 The roles of the members of the Board and the Leadership Committee will remain as they
are, with the Vice-President taking on the official roles previously performed by the
President-elect, plus additional duties as determined by the Board. The President will be
the chair of the Leadership Committee for the year following their term of office.

What about the Bylaws? The Bylaws must be amended to reflect these changes, and these
amendments will be presented to the Congregation soon, to be voted on at our Annual Meeting
in December.

Why now? In order for the Leadership Committee to find and nominate future Board members
before our annual meeting, we must have a structure in place to guide their efforts. We have
only about 10 weeks before nominations are due, so some speed is necessary in getting these
changes approved.

Why me? These changes must be approved by the Congregation, and that approval requires the
positive vote of a quorum of our membership. Please be there on September 15 to keep us all
moving forward!