On the same Sunday that the Butterfly Team hosted a service focused on the opening of time capsules buried in 2002 and 2013, New Home Task Force Chair Art Holmberg marked a major milestone in our campaign to build our new meeting house.
“This is a toast to you all,” Art began, raising his compostable cup of grape juice that symbolize champagne.
“We not only have exceeded our $800,000 goal,” he announced. “We have just reached $900,000.”
That touched off cheers and applause.

Art continued: “The Task Force and the Board feel so supported by your contributions and commitments over the next couple of years. We’re going to make this building happen together.”
He pointed to the paper leaves that Treasurer and Task Force member Sue Fisher had affixed to the building’s south wall, each bearing the name of an individual or family who has made a commitment to the building.
“Those leaves represent all who are making this dream a reality,” he said. “Let’s raise our glasses to this congregation for your generosity and support. We’re going to make this building happen together.”
The Saratoga Springs Planning Board has approved our site plan and New York State’s Attorney General has approved our sale of a non-profit property to a for-profit entity. Discussions with the buyers are underway and we’re exploring a closing date.
The buyer of the property is working with an architect with an eye toward securing the necessary permits to proceed with building four condominiums on the site over the next several months.
“It’s likely that we’ll make our move into interim space this summer,” Art says. “This will give our RE program more time to develop and enable us to make the move in warmer weather with no snow to contend with.”