Category: Cup


A Cup of Joe for December 13, 2024 It is spiritually restorative, healthy, and (frankly) impressive to practice being fully present to the present moment. But sometimes, what needs to happen in the present moment is to do some planning ahead! There is a lot I’m trying to keep in mind, and a lot that … Continue reading Anticipation

Help Decorate Our Tree!

Dear Friends, You are all invited to bring an ornament to decorate our tree! You’ve seen the decorations going up around town. Broadway is all decked out. You’ve likely even put up a few decorations yourself lately. Bring an ornament or two or three with you this Sunday, or even during the week, and add … Continue reading Help Decorate Our Tree!

We Are Not Alone

Dear friends, In the same way that I have been concerned about how people in our UU congregation have been doing in the wake of the election, it occurred to me that other local clergy serving congregations from historically liberal religious traditions might also be needing some support and community. Several of us gathered at … Continue reading We Are Not Alone

On We Go

There are times when it feels like everything is happening at once, and now feels like one of those times.  The panoply of emotions seeded by the Election continues.  I treasure all the emotions and experiences that you have been sharing with me.  We are here to acknowledge and bear these emotions together, and it … Continue reading On We Go