Special All Congregational Meeting: October 27th, 2024 11:15am


October 27, 2024    
11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Event Type

Announcement: Special Congregational Meeting Oct 27

A special congregational vote is required by New York State law.


As you probably know, the congregation has a contract with a purchaser to buy our 624 North Broadway property. The Board accepted this offer because it was within the parameters the congregation had set by a special congregational vote for selling our property.

It turns out that there are some special requirements established by New York State law for not-for-profits and religious congregations when they are selling any substantive assets. A special petition needs to be submitted to the NY State Attorney General’s Office who will then bring that petition to the NY State Supreme Court.

Our lawyer, David Harper, has informed us that the congregational vote that set the parameters for accepting a purchase offer is not sufficient to what the Attorney General and State Supreme Court requires. What’s needed is a vote on a resolution to accept the specific offer with its terms and with this particular purchaser. The resolution needs also to say specifically that the proceeds of this sale will be used solely for the purpose of building our new congregational meetinghouse.

We are unfortunately learning about this need only now and, since Supreme Court approval is required before we can close on our sale of the building, we are under a bit of a time crunch. We need to get this done quickly.

To that end, your Board of Trustees hereby announces that a Special Congregational Meeting is called for Sunday, October 27, to take place immediately following the worship service on that day. The resolution to be voted on by the congregation’s members will be to approve the contract for sale of 624 N Broadway we have with Rusmir Redzematovic and Vyacheslav Faybyshev for the amount of $1.275 million. The congregation will also vote to approve a resolution that the proceeds of the sale will be used only to cover construction costs and other expenses involved for a new meetinghouse for the congregation.

We ask that all UU Saratoga voting members make it a priority to attend the meeting on Sunday, October 27. All members will receive by email a copy of the contract of sale and the text of the resolutions to be voted on.

Thank you!

Your UU Saratoga Board of Trustees
Tari Lee Sykes, President
Art Holmberg, Vice President
Sue Fisher, Treasurer
Richard Wilkinson, Secretary
Barbara Floeser, Trustee-at-Large
Ron Giancola, Trustee-at-Large
Lucy Manning, Trustee-at-Large
Rev. Joe Cleveland, Minister (ex-officio)