Hudson Mohawk UU Combined Congregations Worship Service

Five Unitarian Universalist congregations join together for their annual combined worship service.

The service will take place at 10:30am Sunday, March 23, 2025, in person at the UU Society of Schenectady, 1221 Wendell Avenue, Schenectady, NY 12308.

You can also join online via the worship zoom link you’ll find at UU Schenectady’s website.

The worship service is a joint effort by the UU congregations of the Hudson Mohawk cluster:

This year’s speaker will be the President of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Rev. Mary Katherine Morn.

After 30 years in faith-based leadership, the Rev. Mary Katherine Morn joined UUSC as President and Lead Executive Officer in 2018. She has helped to grow a number of progressive congregations serving their members and the larger community.

Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, President, UUSC

Mary Katherine contributed to efforts for economic, racial, and social justice in Macon, Georgia at the Economic Opportunity Council/Headstart with the NAACP. She also worked deeply in the reproductive justice movement. In Nashville, Tennessee, she collaborated with the Interfaith Alliance and Industrial Areas Foundation. In Fairfax, Virginia, she worked with interfaith ministries addressing hunger and homelessness, collaborated with LGBTQI+ advocacy organizations, and served on the county’s homelessness task force.

Mary Katherine also served in volunteer leadership with the Unitarian Universalist Ministers’ Association and for four years as Director of Stewardship and Development for the Unitarian Universalist Association.

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