Topic: Truth

True Story

Rather than asking “is that true or is it a story?” let us ask: How is what is true a story? How do stories lead us to truth? OOS Jan 12 2025.docx Attend in person at 624 N Broadway or via Zoom at <>.   True Story Rev. Joe Cleveland January 12, 2025   Imagine … Continue reading True Story

What If Heritage

It is important for us to recognize and honor our heritage. However, sometimes we can wish our heritage was a little different than it was. We can wish that at certain moments our ancestors had made different decisions than they did. We can often wish this of ourselves. To live with a sense of wholeness, … Continue reading What If Heritage

What It Is To Be

Rev. Joe says: I sometimes call the blues artist and songwriter Chris Smither my favorite philosopher. Today, we’ll use his song “I Am the Ride” to help us explore what it is that makes a song or a text sacred or religious. We’ll also plumb it for insights into the spirit and into human nature. … Continue reading What It Is To Be